Symantec Kovter Removal Tool Logo

Symantec Kovter Removal Tool Download

License: Free
Operating System: Windows Vista/7/8/Windows 10
32-bit program. Can run on both a 32-bit and 64-bit OS.
File Size: 2.62 MBs
Downloads: 36,331
Last Updated: 11/15/18 02:40:16 AM EST

Screenshots for Symantec Kovter Removal Tool

BleepingComputer Review:

The Symantec Kovter Removal Tool can be used to remove the Kovter infection from your computer.  The Kovter infection is a Click Fraud Trojan as it generates automated clicks on advertisements.  

When Kovter is installed in a computer, it does not install any actual files, but rather inserts itself into the Windows Registry as javascript. It then configures an autorun to automatically execute the javascript in the registry, which launches the malware.  As part of its defense, Kovter makes it difficult to remove the Registry entries associated with it. This is where the Kovter Removal Tool comes into play, as it can be used to remove these malicious registry entries.

The Symantec Kovter Removal Tool that we host has been renamed, as under its original name Kovter would detect the tool running and terminate it.  Symantec's tool is normally named FixToolKotver32.exe and FixToolKotver64.exe, but we have renamed it to FixTool32.exe and FixTool64.exe.

This tool will remove the following Kovter variants and antivirus signature names:

Trojan.Kotver, Trojan.Kotver!gen1, Trojan.Ransomlock.AK, Trojan.Ransomlk.AK!gm, Trojan.Gen, Trojan.Gen.2, Trojan.Gen.SMH, W32/Kovtex.A!Generic, Trojan.Kovter.118, Win32/Kovter.C, Trojan.Win32.Kovter, Trojan.Kovter.zn, Trojan.Win32.Kovter.dsx, Trojan:Win32/Kovter!rfn ,Trojan.Win32.Kovter.easvay ,Trojan/Kovter.c

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