We are happy to present a section where BleepingComputer.com visitors can get discounts and other special offers computer related software, services, and hardware. It should be noted that any offers that we list will be given to us via 3rd party companies and have no association with BleepingComputer.com. We will, though, make sure to try out any software that is offered to make sure they do not contain adware, spyware, or other unwanted programs.
At this time, only the staff of BleepingComputer.com are able to create new topics in this forum. Any members, though, are allowed to reply to any of the topics in this forum. If you are a company or software developer that would like to offer discounts or other promotions for your products, please feel free to contact us.
For full disclosure, it should be noted that on some of these offers, BleepingComputer.com may be offered a commission for any purchases you make. If we do make a commission, we will note it in the particular offer topic. It should also be noted that just because we post an offer it does not mean that we endorse that product or recommend you purchase it. We leave that discussion to our members.
If any of our members have comments or concerns, please feel free to bring them up in the BleepingComputer Announcements, Comments, & Suggestions forum.
We hope everyone finds this forum useful!
The BleepingComputer.com. Staff