Hi all, this is a non professional in the field asking for technical, or possibly cultural advice on a social media image design issue I have.
The platform is Facebook, and specifically Facebook Event images. The "problem" is that with this particular image type, Facebook on mobile and Facebook on desktop do not display those types of images the same, on mobile we get various dropped thumbnails butchering the image in slightly different and off-center ways. I have my image set to the supposed optimal 1920px x 1005px and receive this behavior. Mobile phones display images for events cropped and often unreadable (unless you click the image in full).
I want to optimize my image for desktop and mobile.:
So my question is this.
Technically, I am doing something incorrect here I'm not aware of in spite of research on best practice?
If this is a normal headache in the social media and graphic design community, how does the community go about resolving this (considering most social media traffic is mobile by a very large amount).
As a side-note: my personal opinion is that an image for a social media post should be optimized for social media on mobile due to most traffic being mobile, although, other stakeholders for what this event is about say I'm over-thinking, and nobody really cares if the image initially displays bad. Obviously designing an image for the mobile does leave some challenges due to the limited display window:
Below is a general diagram to describe the behavior between desktop and mobile for a Facebook Event Image: