Hi there I have a Win 10 PC and I store all my pictures on this. I also have a separate backup hard drive. I seemed to have messed things up a bit during my creation of backup folders and I'm sure i have numerous duplicate pictures.
What I'd like is a program that can firstly read through my PC and find duplicate pictures. Ideally placing these duplicates in a separate folder. I could then delete these knowing that I have an original copy of my pictures. Same on my separate hard drive. This gives me a clean base to start with. Thereafter I'd like to keep my pictures on my PC and thereafter copy these to my separate hard drive ensuring that I have a backup in the event of drive failure.
I'm sure that there are various duplicates in various folders..just very time consuming trying to find out what is what...
Preferably freeware if available if not I'd be prepared to purchase relevant software.
I hope I have posted this topic in the correct sub folder, if not, Mod please feel free to move or point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance JD76..