Hi all.
Recently, one of my HDDs (Seagate 12TB) had a major fail, prompting Windows to "repair" the drive on the next startup.
The main folder on this drive disappeared and found.000 showed up in its place.
I used a recovery software to see that everything in found.000 was all backed up, so no actual data loss.
(My experience with data recovery software is that the files aren't always the same when they get "recovered" anyway).
I formatted the drive and ran a comprehensive chkdisk on the drive. It ran for about 18 hours.
The results said no problems found(see below).
My problem is I no longer trust the drive. It is about 6 years old, and I know a lot of companies would lifecycle replace it at this point anyway.
Still, it cost maybe $300 at the time and Windows seems to think it's just fine.
I can't sell it knowing that it had a massive data loss (but again that could be MS's fault for trying to repair a problem that may not have been a drive failure).
So I don't know what to do with the drive other than throw it away, despite possibly being a perfectly good HDD.