Lurker here for a few years. Just now jumping into the pool. I just turned 70yrs young. Been 'using computers' for nearly 40 years. Really. Earlier it was "Bookeeping Machines" > "Mini Computers" then wow! An 8088. Actually it's more like 'abusing computers'. Crunching numbers, maintaining general ledgers, spreadsheets up the ying-yang (MS MultiPlan - Excel's grandfather) and "What's a Database for ?" she asked long ago.
My current laptop W10 Lenovo is gonna be 9 years old in July! (I think that's like 90 in computer years) I'm retired now so not doing any crunching/db stuff anymore. Bought a new system months ago when I thought Lenny1 was gonna crap out any day. Nope... still in awe every morning when 'he' actually boots up.
I am totally intimidated by the thought of setting up a new system. Obviously I have tons of data on Lenny, most of it should be archived at best (thumb/flash/external hard drives?) Argh. Took me months to even open the box Lenny2024 was in. Still it's wrapped up in another room. Looney? Yep.
Priorities - Lenny2 not to be loaded down with crapola. Even the camera (electrical tape now on Lenny1), mic, touchscreen etc. I may get there in the future (!) when I'm ready. I mean - I have a really nice fairly new smart phone. I use it calls! Ok...son does text, and there's FedEx and the pharmacy. Still....a full charge can last a week.
Geeze! This went on for way too long. If you got this far, any hints, links, etc. Here or elsewhere, will keep me busy for a while.
Looney Oldie Newbie SUE