@ LittleGreenDots :-
I've got to agree with what others have said, above. In all honesty, there's only SO much "hand-holding" we can provide. At some point, you have to take the plunge, dive-in and get on with trying something.
Whilst I applaud your sense of caution - and trying to research as much as you can first; it's an approach I often take myself - you can only take it so far. There's no substitute for hands-on experience; "breaking" and having to re-install your chosen system (often several times!) is a time-honoured part of the Linux "noob" experience. Trust me, we've ALL been there.....even the veterans among us.
In that respect, you're in good company. But enough with the foot-dragging!
Unfortunately, becoming a bit of a "geek" - or a "techie", as you put it - is kind of unavoidable with Linux (though nothing like it used to be). However, it's not as daunting as it might at first appear.....the "learning-curve" is really only as hard as you yourself make it. We're happy to help where we can.....but you DO have to "make a start", y'know.
You've been given plenty of sensible advice above, especially from Condobloke. It's GOOD advice, so.....follow it.
Edited by Mike_Walsh, 26 November 2023 - 08:49 AM.