Actually, that was classified, and I can't release the photos. I can tell you that it was photos of artillary that had been misfired a couple of years back. Oops, I can't tell you that either. To late, now we have to find you, pull your arms off and use them to beat you silly
Kidding, well, not really. Those particular photos are classified, and can't be released. Other than that, all of my arial shots are rather boring
You know, medevac landing sites, runways, potential landing spots, dropzones for paratroopers, government housing areas built to close to dairy farms.....usually just grass and some hills for points of referance.
I do have some that I have taken from "cherry pickers" or bucket trucks, where I'm about 100ft in the air and photographing a huge formation. All the flags make it pretty neat looking.
I've also got some pretty cool silohette (sp?) shots of troops deploying and whatnot. Lots of shots of troops returning from year long deployments, etc. I've been thinking about making one of them into a sig, but haven't really had the free time to do so. I can post them if you'd like, or post links as not to suck up space on this thread.
Edited by stevealmighty, 09 February 2006 - 04:24 PM.