I am running Ubuntu 22.04LTS. The only change was to replace the background with a photo of islands...
I first switched to Ubuntu 12, 2012. Seems like a long time ago, from Windows 7. Why? We had power outages for several months. And each time I had to do repairs. Two times, I had to replace the O S Drive. Ouch...
So, I switched to Ubuntu. Power outages continued, but NO more damage to the O S drive. And No re-install, either.
The Windows re-install required I call Microsoft HQ in Seattle. I retired from California in 2007, and moved to Philippines. This meant a long distance call, each time. Annoying.
Me? A programmer since 1970. Mainframes. Retired as Project Manager. Mostly in California. Univac and IBM type mainframes.
In that time I had used at least 37 different languages and versions.
I no longer code... I am returning to bible studies. and found your solution. Problems? errors in the install script your website has. Does not seem to have affected your software I have installed.
I have a lot of questions related to the Bible software. consider me 'old fashioned'. I have The Companion Bible "Enlarged Type Edition" and the Strong's Concordance books. Which I have seldom opened.
I have downloaded a lot of videos and mp3s related to the Bible. I really love Chuck Missler's lectures. Too bad he died a few years ago [2016?]
Thank you for developing a Ubuntu Linux version. Very helpful. and I do NOT trust the Microsoft software... including 'Wine'