Posted 30 November 2013 - 11:03 AM
Microsoft MVP Alumni 2023, Windows Insider MVP 2017-2020, MVP Reconnect 2016-2023
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Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:29 PM
Thanks for your sharing this information but i use one link but i did not able to use it ..
Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:38 PM
Microsoft MVP Alumni 2023, Windows Insider MVP 2017-2020, MVP Reconnect 2016-2023
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Posted 27 May 2014 - 10:03 AM
Last year, in post #22, czarboom asked an interesting question that I didn't see an answer to, and I have a related question. It was about all of the PC magazines and their rankings of AV products. I, personally, don't trust PCMag and some of the others because I've noticed a bias issue, so are there any reliable resources out there that are easy to understand and neutral? I tried a couple of times to look at (back when there were only about 3) the labs that test and rate AV programs, but I was never able to get to the results. Also, I realize that some of these labs do tests under controlled conditions that do not actually show how AVs perform under realistic conditions....? Thanks!
Namaste, Peace & Love,
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If you had to choose between saving just your family, or saving 10,000 GOOD people (but not your family), what would you choose?
My phone's auto-correct is named Otto Rong.
Posted 27 May 2014 - 07:53 PM
Microsoft MVP Alumni 2023, Windows Insider MVP 2017-2020, MVP Reconnect 2016-2023
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Posted 27 May 2014 - 08:27 PM
Excellent information, of course. So, I guess what you're saying in a round-about sort of way is that there is no magic website to look to to get clear information. No metasite looks at the data from all those companies you listed and then produces a report, either.
Is that correct?
Namaste, Peace & Love,
If I have frustrated you, then I must be a student. If I've imparted information or a skill to you, then I must be a teacher. If I've helped you, then I must be a volunteer. If I've touched your life, then I must be happy!
If you had to choose between saving just your family, or saving 10,000 GOOD people (but not your family), what would you choose?
My phone's auto-correct is named Otto Rong.
Posted 28 May 2014 - 04:35 AM
Microsoft MVP Alumni 2023, Windows Insider MVP 2017-2020, MVP Reconnect 2016-2023
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Posted 08 June 2014 - 03:38 PM
Microsoft MVP Alumni 2023, Windows Insider MVP 2017-2020, MVP Reconnect 2016-2023
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Posted 09 June 2014 - 11:23 PM
Excellent information, of course. So, I guess what you're saying in a round-about sort of way is that there is no magic website to look to to get clear information. No metasite looks at the data from all those companies you listed and then produces a report, either.
Is that correct?
Also sites like CERT and SANS or the NIST or http://csrc.nist.gov/ (security focus site) are the offical "un" sites for tech and IT in the united states. Good resources but they are a pain to search without some understanding of the language they use. Meaning RFCs and IETFs and EDUs, but if you can do it, you can find some really good guides and tools.
Posted 10 June 2014 - 09:51 AM
Microsoft MVP Alumni 2023, Windows Insider MVP 2017-2020, MVP Reconnect 2016-2023
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Posted 10 June 2014 - 10:37 PM
correct but the SANS S.T.O.R.M center has great active virus info, but you are correct in virus finding.
A good site for unknown and known malware is
its a site for collection of windows and android APKs and unknowns.
Posted 11 June 2014 - 05:39 AM
Microsoft MVP Alumni 2023, Windows Insider MVP 2017-2020, MVP Reconnect 2016-2023
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Posted 13 August 2014 - 03:44 AM
I've been using Superantispyware for a while now, is Virus Total a replacement?
Posted 13 August 2014 - 05:14 AM
Virustotal is a service developed by Hispasec Sistemas, independent IT Security laboratory, that makes use of several command line versions of antivirus engines, updated regulary with official signature files published by their respective developers.
Microsoft MVP Alumni 2023, Windows Insider MVP 2017-2020, MVP Reconnect 2016-2023
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Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:26 PM
Source: https://malwr.com/about/About what is it
What is Malwr?
Malwr is a free malware analysis service and community launched in January 2011. You can submit files to it and receive the results of a complete dynamic analysis back.
Existing online analysis services are all based on closed and commercial technologies, often with intents to leverage people's data to own profit and with no real transparency on how the data is being used. We are researchers ourselves and felt the need of an alternative solution.
Our mission is to provide a powerful, free, independent and non-commercial service to the security community, independent or academic researchers with no other goal than facilitating everyone's daily work and give a contribution to the community.
Malwr is operated by volunteer security professionals with the exclusive intent to help the community. It's not associated or influenced by any commercial or government organization of any sort.
We do not profit on your data. The files you submit, the information you provide and any other use you make of the website is not commercialized in any way. We create and use open source technology. We're not advertising any commercial product, we are not collecting data to enrich any existing product.
Unless you specify otherwise, the files you submit are not shared outside. While we believe in the value of sharing within our community and the larger public, we do strongly believe in respecting your privacy and the confidentiality of the data you handle.
We really invite you to read our Terms of Service for "detailed" "policies".
For inquiries you can contact us at the following email address:
You can also find us on FreeNode IRC on channel #malwr.
Malwr was created and is operated by Claudio nex Guarnieri and Alessandro jekil Tanasi.
The behavioral analysis graph was created by Andy Nordbo.
Malwr is powered by The Shadowserver Foundation.
Malwr is mainly based on an open source malware analysis tool we also created and develop called Cuckoo Sandbox.
Malwr also uses the following services, tools and libraries:
Malwr is an independent and non-commercial project. We spent a gazillion amount of hours building it and operating it and we have some costs in maintaining it. You will find Flattr buttons, similar to the one below, across the website: flattr is an amazing service that allows you to make micropayments in support of authors that produced content you find valuable.
Source: https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/Welcome to the free malware analysis service powered by Payload-Security.com. Using this service you can submit Windows files or PDF/Office documents for behavior analysis. All accepted files will be analyzed using our innovative Hybrid Analysis technology. It is possible to submit encrypted zip archives with the password 'infected', without password or directly. Please contact us if you want to use our interface automatically or for suggestions.
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