Now that IS a scam
. I dunno but nowadays scams are becoming worse!!! There are whole articles, blogs, websites, etc JUST to get you on a scam. Luckily for this one, my speaker has gone on strike for some unknown reason so I can't hear it. But I still see those "Your Kampfuter is infected click here to get a whole lot of bleepware" ads but I just ignore 'em. Even the ones that pop up when you try to leave the website safe. bleep
Hello abj
congrats brother you have a hi EQ ---emotional quota, your welcome to dinner at my house any time.
hi functioning brains are useless, but having heart is priceless, you have a heart that has notticed something, listen to it.
I remenber when i got the first cable connection in the wash DC area, like suddenly porn is ok cause i ordered a huge package. all i could think was was what happen to these women, who normally have such life sustaining boundries, well the fact is, ten years after any porn star is in a movie, she commits suicide 50 percent of the time, believe me, it's a empathy failure in the child raising domistic sphere, FACT PROVEN AD INFINTUM a child that does not get daily massives doses of Oxytocin off a womans body grows a freaked out brain, not capable of empathy, folks can politic the the importance of a child coming home every day to a mother thrown left and right, but the fact remains, you mri a kid brain raised by a TV and Computer and you will see super bizarre strange stuff, the upper mamilian high reasoning part of the brain is dead, no neuro synapsis between the empathy centers, that actually cause a person to feel pain when they see another person hurt, Its actions are mediated by specific, high-affinity oxytocin receptors that in any IQ create concern for others and their welfare, this prosess makes us suffer when we see other folks suffer.
in short, perfect way to end all violence, create a human who hurts at seeing others hurt.
but the motherless child grows the limbic fight or flight center as if it is on fire, a psychiatrist at harvard has called for all politicians to show a normal mri before running for office.
whats interesting is the limbic center is also called the Serpent Brain by phd's around the world
just fun facts, but a poet put it best,
you can grow people upwards or grow them down wards, but what ever way you grow them, your kids are gonna marry one.
Edited by jimbotoo, 31 January 2015 - 11:19 PM.