You were hit by Crypt0L0cker, a different ransomware that has no solution at this time.
Please refer to this topic for more information.
TorrentLocker changes it's name to Crypt0L0cker and bypasses U.S. computers
Posted 03 February 2016 - 12:11 PM
You were hit by Crypt0L0cker, a different ransomware that has no solution at this time.
Please refer to this topic for more information.
TorrentLocker changes it's name to Crypt0L0cker and bypasses U.S. computers
ID Ransomware - Identify What Ransomware Encrypted Your Files [Support Topic]
RansomNoteCleaner - Remove Ransom Notes Left Behind [Support Topic]
CryptoSearch - Find Files Encrypted by Ransomware [Support Topic]
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Posted 04 February 2016 - 04:38 PM
Hi, I Tryied the Decrypter program. it did unlock the file but still corrupted... any idea? It did delete the extension file... when I try and open the file it says the file format and extensions of myfile.xls dont match. the file could be corrupted or unsafe. so i click open and just gives me all the corrupted words
Posted 04 February 2016 - 08:35 PM
You may not have been hit with this ransomware, it was rather rare and old according to activity in this topic.
Check my previous post about Crypt0L0cker, which uses a similar extension. You can check the ransom note to match which you were hit with.
ID Ransomware - Identify What Ransomware Encrypted Your Files [Support Topic]
RansomNoteCleaner - Remove Ransom Notes Left Behind [Support Topic]
CryptoSearch - Find Files Encrypted by Ransomware [Support Topic]
If I have helped you and you wish to support my ransomware fighting, you may support me here.
Posted 20 February 2016 - 07:56 AM
What was the extension?Hi, I Tryied the Decrypter program. it did unlock the file but still corrupted... any idea? It did delete the extension file...
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