Hi Free Booter
I have successfully used the RestoreWindowsServices.bat to improve (reduce) CPU usage on a Toshiba Kira 2015 (i7 processor 256 ssd 8MB ram) running Win 8.1 64 bit. Thank you.
I also ran the ResetWindowsUpdateComponents.bat script. I then ran the Windows Update service. I received a message that the service is not running.
I ran the Windows 'Troubleshoot computer problems --> System and Security --> Fix problems with Windows Update. I also downloaded and ran the WindowsUpdateDiagnostic.diagcab from the Microsoft website. Each of these ran its course and appeared to reset the update service.
However, the service is not showing running in the list of Services in the System Configuration utility (msconfig.exe). Presumably for the same reason I cannot install the manual updates. The service says it is looking for installed updates but nothing happens for several hours.
Any advice would be sincerely appreciated