Does Gyno Go Away? And How to Treat It If It Doesn’t

Gynecomastia, or the enlargement of breast tissue in males, is a common condition that affects many men at some point in their lives. One of the most frequently asked questions about gynecomastia is: does gyno go away without treatment?

In this blog post, you will discover how gynecomastia can go away and what you can do to manage excessive breast tissue.

Does gyno go away on its own?

Gynecomastia may go away on its own or require medical intervention, depending on the underlying cause and individual circumstances.

Gynecomastia in Adolescents

Excessive breast tissue is common in adolescent boys going through puberty. In most cases, the condition goes away on its own within six months to two years. However, if the condition persists beyond two years or if it causes significant emotional distress, medical intervention may be necessary.

Moobs in Older Men

Excessive breast tissue in older men is generally a benign condition that does not require medical intervention. In most cases, it will resolve on its own within six months to two years. After that, you need to get treatment, which is mostly gynecomastia surgery.

However, if the condition persists or causes discomfort, hormone replacement therapy, medication, or surgery can treat it.

Gyno Caused by Medications or Health Conditions

Moobs caused by medications or health conditions may go away once the underlying cause is treated or discontinued. In some cases, switching to an alternative medication or addressing the underlying health condition may resolve the excessive breast tissue.

Do moobs go away without treatment?

Does Gyno Go Away

The answer to does gyno go away is that it depends on what the cause was.

Gyno for infants and teenagers can go away, but adults often need treatment. Are you experiencing gynecomastia symptoms or have concerns about your condition? If yes, then it is best to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.

They can help determine the underlying cause of the condition and recommend appropriate treatment options to manage it effectively.


  • Dr. Wells, M.D.

    Dr. Barbara Wells is a researcher and medical doctor. She works at Baylor College of Medicine and has published several research articles on topics related to obesity and weight loss. Her research focuses on pharmacotherapy, medication, and supplements to treat obesity and related conditions.

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